"Simon says, 'Clap your hands.' Simon says, 'Stick out your tongue.' ' Pat your head.'"
"Haha! You're out! Simon didn't say 'pat your head'!"
Can you hear the laughter? Maybe some excuses? We've all played the game and we've all gotten so focused on doing the next thing Simon says that we do something Simon didn't say.
Yep! You guessed it. Today's deep thought is about listening to and following directions. UGH! I know, it's a tough topic but it's something we all want to do well.
As followers of Jesus, we're listening for His instructions. We're seeking to know the next thing He wants us to do. But sometimes we get bound up in the doing instead of the following. We even come up with our own things to do in hopes of pleasing Him when all He wants from us is obedience.
The LORD used our Scott to bring this truth into a place of experience for me. He took it from an abstract lesson to a place of very personal understanding. And He used a life situation to teach me.
"Scott Alexander Coulson!"
Before he'd fully stepped into the kitchen, I said, "I asked you to take the trash out after breakfast. You didn't. I asked you again after lunch. You didn't. Did you not understand I was telling you to take the trash out?"
"Yes, but I swept the porch for you."
"That's nice, but I asked you to take the trash out. Do it now, please. And the next time you want to do something for me, do what I asked you to do That's what pleases me most."
"Yes, Ma'am."
I stood watch as Scott quickly removed the top of the trash can, tied the top of the bag, and pulled it free. I continued watching as he exited the kitchen door and headed for the outdoor bin.
And that's when it happened. I heard the LORD's whisper. It wasn't audible, but it was loud and clear. He said, "The same thing that pleases you pleases Me; you doing what I asked you to do."
Wow! Can you imagine how pierced I was by those words? And yet, do you know how freeing that was for me? Imagine a woman standing wrapped in chains and one of the links suddenly being split. That was me! I saw freedom ahead. Hope renewed.
I've shared this with Scott's permission, and used it to remind myself and others to not get chained up doing good things instead of being obedient. Nothing pleases the LORD more. Why? Because those who love Him keep His commandments. When we do what He's told us to do, we are showing Him our love. (John 14:15)
Walking away from those chains was not as easy as it would seem. I had to stop and purposely pry open that broken link before I could begin the unwrapping process. I had to understand what drove me to do and do. Once that was exposed, the entire chain slipped downward. I was hobbled for a bit, but there came a day I could fully step away. I practice daily the truth: Everything good to do is not mine to do; obedience is my goal!
Jesus was quoting Deuteronomy 6:5 and Leviticus 19:18 in those verses. This is comforting because it tells me those commands are as unchanging as our God. What He wants from me is to love Him and love others. I do both when I stick close to Him, listen carefully, and act quickly. I can be confident in my obedience because He wants me to succeed, knows how to make Himself understood, and will equip me for success.
"Haha! You're out! Simon didn't say 'pat your head'!"
Can you hear the laughter? Maybe some excuses? We've all played the game and we've all gotten so focused on doing the next thing Simon says that we do something Simon didn't say.
Yep! You guessed it. Today's deep thought is about listening to and following directions. UGH! I know, it's a tough topic but it's something we all want to do well.
As followers of Jesus, we're listening for His instructions. We're seeking to know the next thing He wants us to do. But sometimes we get bound up in the doing instead of the following. We even come up with our own things to do in hopes of pleasing Him when all He wants from us is obedience.
The LORD used our Scott to bring this truth into a place of experience for me. He took it from an abstract lesson to a place of very personal understanding. And He used a life situation to teach me.
"Scott Alexander Coulson!"
Before he'd fully stepped into the kitchen, I said, "I asked you to take the trash out after breakfast. You didn't. I asked you again after lunch. You didn't. Did you not understand I was telling you to take the trash out?"
"Yes, but I swept the porch for you."
"That's nice, but I asked you to take the trash out. Do it now, please. And the next time you want to do something for me, do what I asked you to do That's what pleases me most."
"Yes, Ma'am."
I stood watch as Scott quickly removed the top of the trash can, tied the top of the bag, and pulled it free. I continued watching as he exited the kitchen door and headed for the outdoor bin.
And that's when it happened. I heard the LORD's whisper. It wasn't audible, but it was loud and clear. He said, "The same thing that pleases you pleases Me; you doing what I asked you to do."
Wow! Can you imagine how pierced I was by those words? And yet, do you know how freeing that was for me? Imagine a woman standing wrapped in chains and one of the links suddenly being split. That was me! I saw freedom ahead. Hope renewed.
I've shared this with Scott's permission, and used it to remind myself and others to not get chained up doing good things instead of being obedient. Nothing pleases the LORD more. Why? Because those who love Him keep His commandments. When we do what He's told us to do, we are showing Him our love. (John 14:15)
Walking away from those chains was not as easy as it would seem. I had to stop and purposely pry open that broken link before I could begin the unwrapping process. I had to understand what drove me to do and do. Once that was exposed, the entire chain slipped downward. I was hobbled for a bit, but there came a day I could fully step away. I practice daily the truth: Everything good to do is not mine to do; obedience is my goal!
"'Love the Lord your God with
all your heart,
with all your soul, and
with all your mind.'
This is the greatest and the most important commandment.
The second most important commandment is like it:
'Love your neighbor as you love yourself.'
Matthew 22:37-39 (GNT)
Jesus was quoting Deuteronomy 6:5 and Leviticus 19:18 in those verses. This is comforting because it tells me those commands are as unchanging as our God. What He wants from me is to love Him and love others. I do both when I stick close to Him, listen carefully, and act quickly. I can be confident in my obedience because He wants me to succeed, knows how to make Himself understood, and will equip me for success.
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