Anyone who has ever
gotten a new pair of glasses knows the struggle of adjustment. Climbing stairs,
stepping off a curb, and even reaching for something creates a need for added
attention and care. The optometrist warns us against switching between our old
and new glasses. Why? It creates added struggle and delays our ability to
see with clarity through our new lenses.
Jesus-followers encounter
the same type of struggle. Our old selves see everything through the lens of
our own understanding. Holy Spirit helps us see everything through the lens of
God’s word.
Yep! Reading God’s word
causes us to see people and circumstances from God’s perspective, and our old
understanding is challenged. It’s kind-of like putting on a new pair of prescription
glasses. Every new perspective revealed in God’s word, challenges our perspective.
I’m sorry to say, but just
like those times when I’m tempted to wear my old glasses, I’m also tempted to refuse
God’s perspective. I’ve even tried to justify my old perspective as being “okay”
or “not a big deal.” But...
I’m learning the only way
to look through the new lens of God’s perspective and not hurt myself or others
is to agree God is right (which means I’m not). It’s not enough to know what God
says is right. I (we) have to choose to let go of the way we’ve always done
something and begin to choose another way. That’s right! Agreeing with God is
like choosing to wear my new glasses and accept the struggle of adjustment.
That’s also how and when the
miracle of transformation begins. It’s me (and you) coming alongside Holy Spirit
and letting Him help the mind of our spirit replace the mind of our flesh. This
careful and intentional work of adjustment slowly becomes easier and our perspective
is progressively changed until we no longer struggle.
Please don’t misunderstand
me! I still fight the frustration of adjustment, but my ability to accept and cooperate
with Holy Spirit’s help is improving. Which brings me to one of my favorite
If we live by the
Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.
Galatians 5:25 (CSB)
Putting this verse into
practice is sort-of like running in a three-legged race. It requires every move
we make to be intentional. Once we get the rhythm of keeping in step, we never want
to be out of step again. Really!
Side-by-side is the
safest way to walk when we’re continually getting new lenses in our spiritual
glasses. Following Jesus is so much easier when we keep in step with His
Spirit. We’re called to follow Jesus which means He’s up front leading the
way. That’s why He gave us His Spirit.
Question is…
Are we willing to accept
His help or will we resist?
LORD, we want to follow
You well, but we don’t always want to see things from Your perspective. Thank
You for giving us Holy Spirit as our Helper. Make us aware of His presence and willing
to ask for His help. Teach us how to keep in step with Your Spirit and quickly recognize
when we are not. Thank You for hearing us when we pray. Amen.
Links to a song and the
story behind the song:
- I Am (Lyric Video) - Bing video
Behind The Song With David Crowder: "I Am" |
Scripture quotations marked CSB are been taken from the Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian Standard Bible•, and CSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers.
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