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2 Peter 1:2 - May grace and peace be multiplied to you through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.

I've been away, but I've not been idle. I've been healing and learning. Healing from all the grief our family has experienced in these last few years, and learning from the LORD during the healing process. No! I didn't quit life, but I did spend most of my time in our Heavenly Father's lap surrounded by His love and comfort. The problem was, I was a hot mess whenever I crawled out and tried to get back to living life as usual. Believe me when I tell you I've cried a lot of tears, but God was there to capture each one and continued to love and comfort me. He was also there to pick up the pieces when I unexplectedly boiled over like oatmeal. Believe me, it was just as messy and just as hard to clean up. 

Please don't misunderstand, it wasn't because the people in my life weren't there for me, but many of them were grieving too. Each death brought more grief, bringing me to a place where I finally realized I needed someone to help me see my way forward. I asked for help, and that's just what I got. Father used so many different people to encourage me and help me work through my multitude of feelings. 

So, today, I'm going to remind you of something we all know but often forget in times of struggle. Life is not meant to be lived alone. We need each other. We must cultivate strong relationships with fellow believers. We must be diligent to meet and worship with other believers. And we must not shy away from the work of relationships. And please be alert to those around you who may need you to slow down, take their hand, and walk alongside them for a bit. You will not be sorry, and they will be forever grateful.

Grace and peace to you! 

Just in case you're wondering, when I contacted my friend, she invited me to the very next GriefShare meeting at our church. Wow! Everyone attending GriefShare is experiencing different kinds and seasons of grief, but the beautiful thing is we're all on the same journey of recovery. I cannot tell you how freeing it was to realize I was not alone in my grief, or a "bad Christian" because I wasn't feeling joyful, or that there is no expiration date on grief. Do we heal? Yes! Do we cease to miss the one we love? No! Do we stop feeling sad when our loved one isn't there to experience a life event with us? Never! And another thing, the GriefShare curriculum is always gently pointing us to Jesus, to keep trusting Him, and to lean on one Him and one another as we move through our own personal shadow of death. How wonderful is that?! Something else worth mentioning: Our leaders were not without their own grief. Their son died fifteen years ago. I can only imagine their grief, but I'm thankful they are willing to walk with those whose grief is still an open wound. It's not easy. We all know how much love and patience is required to come alongside someone who is hurting. There's no quick fix. Recovery takes time. If you're struggling with grief, I encourage you to find a GriefShare group near you. If it doesn't feel like a good fit, try another group; there are lots of them out there.


  1. Amen and amen!! Beautiful and comforting words my dear friend. I love that I find so many personal feelings written and expressed by others that Jesus gently puts before me. Love you

  2. Love you, my friend. Praying for you every day. ❤️


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