Have you ever noticed the way our Heavenly Father will give us with the same message over and over and over from different people and all kinds of situations until we understand what He's telling us?
Maybe He doesn't need to do that with you, but that's how He teaches me. Very gently. And He's super patient with all my questions. Oh! He doesn't give it to me all at once either. He carefully feeds them to me in bite size increments; giving me plenty of time to taste, savor, digest, and then practice using what I've learned.Well, Father's been leading me to remember and understand quite a few things lately, and they all came together for me last Sunday afternoon. George and I were chatting with one of his cousins across the pond when she said, "Shy bairns get nowt."
I said, "What?" She said it again, and then she explained it as a saying meant to remind children they get nothing if they ask for nothing. Well, it wasn't long after we hung up that Holy Spirit was whispering those same words into my heart. Whoop! Whoop!
Now, I know Matthew 7:7 isn't a new verse, but I've definitely gained a new understanding of what it means to me as my Heavenly Father's daughter. I'm going to share more in the coming weeks, but for now, I just want you to know and believe you are loved by your Father and He wants to give you good gifts. What is it you want from Father? Don't be shy, just ask!
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