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George and I are always looking for ways to create connection and community with all who come into our home.  We want it to be about more than existing in the same space.  We want it to be about relationship and enjoying one another.

One of our craziest memories is when we had friends here prior to their departure for the mission field.  Our daughter's family also joined the fun when Hurricane Sandy decided to visit the area.

We lost power for about 18 hours, but between the gas fireplace, stove and water heater, we stayed clean, had a bit of warmth, and plenty of food for our bellies.  We sat in the lantern light playing games and eating popcorn cooked in a pot on the stovetop that night.  We put both sets of children, five in all, in a row across one bed with layers of quilts on top.  They were so weighted down they couldn't move.  

All those memories were summed up by what one of the children said that night, "I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm having fun!"  

That visit went nothing like planned and everything was done on the fly as we improvised and worked together to make sure all the needs were taken care of while we enjoyed being together.

I'm telling you this because I've been looking for what I want to give the LORD throughout 2019.  I've settled on Relationship.  I want a deeper and stronger relationship with Him.  And I want a deeper relationship with those people He's shared with me...George, immediate family, extended family, church family, friends, and even those I encounter for only a few minutes here and there.  I don't want to settle for anything less.  I want to be present, engaged, and intentional with Him and everyone else I encounter throughout my days.  I know I won't do this accidentally, but I believe my life will be richer for it.  And hopefully, theirs will be too!

Please take a little bit of time to share what you're hoping to be or do in the upcoming days, weeks, and months.  No pressure, just a short (or expanded) comment.  I'll pray for you as you pray for me.  May our faith overcome any fear of the new.

Happy New Year!


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