Children are delighted by dandelions. They love to pick the yellow flowers and take
them to loved ones as tokens of their affections. I’ve had small bouquets of those little flowers
in my house on numerous occasions thanks to my children and grandchildren. I loved receiving that spontaneous gesture of
love, and proudly displayed them in little vases. Bonus: Picking the blooms will prevent them
from going to seed.
Many a child has enjoyed those stems of fluffy “wishes” that we know are future dandelions.
Root hairs are what I call those tiny roots
that run off the main root of a dandelion.
You can pull the dandelion and its big long root, but there
are oodles of little root hairs still in the ground. Underground, those root hairs get busy. Soon, new dandelions are sprouting up in your yard again.
George and I had words on Saturday evening. Well, it was more me than George. Yes, the topic was silly, but the real issue was my old insecurities. Again!
George’s action
projected disapproval, and I felt hurt. Sadly,
I allowed that hurt to express itself through anger and angry words.
Like dandelion seeds, those words cannot be
retrieved. So, the root hairs of my
insecurities bloomed, flowered and were blown around our home in an
instant. I cannot tell you how quickly
it all happened. Remorse instantly
followed. Of course, saying “I’m sorry”
is not enough. It doesn’t erase the hits
to the heart that angry words cause or the bruising that follows.
I wasn’t alert to what was growing in my heart. It was silent and happened without
warning. I didn’t even recognize it
until it had fully bloomed. Even then, I didn’t
recognize the root of the problem until I’d spent a lot of time before the LORD.
I’m glad to say that George’s forgiveness was
complete and we enjoyed making up later.
But, I do wish I had never allowed myself to be less than vigilant.
so far as your former way of life is concerned, you must strip off your old
nature, because your old nature is thoroughly rotted by its deceptive desires; and
you must let your spirits and minds keep being renewed, and clothe yourselves with the new nature created to be godly,
which expresses itself in the righteousness and holiness that flow from the
truth. Ephesians 4:22-24 (CJB)
Father, thank You for Your forgiveness and for
healing the hurts my words inflicted.
Please expose and remove all the root hairs of my old nature. Replace them with Your goodness, righteousness,
and shalom. Amen.
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