I’ve just experienced an amazing weekend, and the
LORD used it to continue the process of opening my eyes.
I spent all day Saturday at the Park Valley Church
Women’s Refresh Conference. The keynote
speaker was Lisa Harper, and the topic was Grace. Lisa's final session was entitled Launched, and she used the verses in Mark 10:45-52 to
point out three truths.
1. Jesus
had a specific mission statement, and He never forgot His mission. What was that mission? Serve the Father!
2. The
blind man did nothing but sit on the curb all day until He asked Jesus to give
him the ability to see.
3. Jesus opened his eyes, and immediately
after receiving his sight, the man began to follow Jesus.
Sounds sort of ho-hum, right?! Jesus healed the man and the man stopped
sitting on the curb and started following Jesus.
The LORD had already prepared my heart to hear a specific Word from Him that was just for me!
Last week I read Romans 12 for the umpteenth time, but when I read verse 11, it grabbed my attention
like never before and awakened an expectation deep within me…a yearning to
understand this instruction from God's perspective and not my own.
This morning I read dozens of other translations of
that same verse in hopes of gaining a little more understanding. Many of those translations were the same, but
these four spoke directly into my need.
Romans 12:11…
burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame.
Be alert servants of the Master, (MSG)
be lazy when hard work is needed, but serve the LORD with spiritual fervor.
be lazy in showing such devotion. Be on
fire with the Spirit. Serve the LORD.
hesitate to be enthusiastic – be on fire in the Spirit as you serve the LORD!
Wow! Wow! Those who know me know that I am what George
calls passionate. I am easily excitable
and enthusiastic. But, I’ve
become hesitant in recent years because my passion is sometimes less than
gentle and often misunderstood. I had
become fearful of my passion without even knowing it.
Another root hair of fear, worry, and anxiety is
exposed! Woohoo! I’m expecting some discomfort as my Father,
the Master Gardener, sifts through the soil and removes this root hair, but I’m
so excited! His freedom has arrived! I’m immeasurably thankful because even as He
does His gardening He has reassured me of the following truths.
My passionate personality was given to me by my Father! I do not need to “curb” my passion in order to follow Jesus. He will teach me to be
gentle in my enthusiasm. AND He will continue to love me even when I get ahead of Him and need
LORD, I want to follow you passionately and without hesitation or fear. Help me to live
outside of fear and live full tilt in the love, power and self control you have
given me through your indwelling Holy Spirit.
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