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1 Corinthians 12:27 - Now you are the body of Christ, and individual members of it.

Okay, call me crazy, but this is where my mind is today.  Everyone of us who has confessed with our mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in our hearts God raised Jesus from the dead, are saved (Romans 10:9). All believers are IN Christ. We are IN Him, He is IN us, and He is IN the Father. You can check it out for yourself in John 14:20. Every believer is IN Christ. Thinking about being IN Christ and a part of His body got me thinking about how a body is filled with cells. Well, you know me, I had to do a Bing search and find out what I could about the anatomy of a human cell and its function. This is what I found: "The human cell is the basic unit of life that can replicate itself." There are trillions of cells in one human body and they don't all have the same purpose or function within the body. But no matter what the purpose or function, every cell must replicate. No exceptions! Okay, translate that into us being cells in the body of Christ. We are not all th
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James 4:2b - You do not have because you do not ask.

  Prayer is having a conversation with our Heavenly Father. Talking to Him is giving Him our time and attention. It's acknowledging Him as our Father, our Creator, our Provider, our Protector, and the Lover of our souls. One way Father speaks to us is through His written word, the Bible, and He doesn't beat around the bush when it comes to the subject of asking. Nope! He clearly tells us to ask, and when we ask we will receive (Matthew 7:7). And then in today's verse, He tells us we don't have because we don't ask.  So why don't we ask?  I spent all week pondering that question. Short answer? Lack of confidence. Yep! I'm pretty sure that's why I don't ask as often as I should. And I especially have trouble asking for myself. Anyone else? My lack of confidence breaks down into three categories.  A lack of confidence in His desire to give me what I want. Which is totally silly! I know He delights in giving good things to His children, and He would neve

Matthew 7:7 - Ask, and it will be given to you.

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2 Peter 1:2 - May grace and peace be multiplied to you through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.

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Two Kinds of Sweat

Did you know there are two kinds of sweat glands? There are! If you look it up on Wikipedia, you'll find there are the eccrine glands which are pretty much all over your body, and the apocrine glands which are in specific places on your body (like your armpits).  Eccrine glands help regulate body temp.  Apocrine glands "produce an odorless oily, opaque secretion which then gains its characteristic odor from bacterial decomposition." Why am I even talking about this?! Well, I read the following verses this morning and my mind went there. Read what Paul wrote in  Colossians 2:9-10 (CSB)  and I'll try to explain my thinking. For the entire fullness of God’s nature dwells bodily  in Christ,  and you have been filled by him, who is the head over every ruler and authority.  Think about it, we swim but the water we swim in never enters our body (unless we open our mouths and swallow it). But we sweat when we swim. Why?  Sweat helps regulate our body temperature. Sweat is a

Open for Interpretation?

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Help Wanted?

Anyone who has ever gotten a new pair of glasses knows the struggle of adjustment. Climbing stairs, stepping off a curb, and even reaching for something creates a need for added attention and care. The optometrist warns us against switching between our old and new glasses. Why? It creates added struggle and delays our ability to see with clarity through our new lenses. Jesus-followers encounter the same type of struggle. Our old selves see everything through the lens of our own understanding. Holy Spirit helps us see everything through the lens of God’s word. Yep! Reading God’s word causes us to see people and circumstances from God’s perspective, and our old understanding is challenged. It’s kind-of like putting on a new pair of prescription glasses. Every new perspective revealed in God’s word, challenges our perspective. I’m sorry to say, but just like those times when I’m tempted to wear my old glasses, I’m also tempted to refuse God’s perspective. I’ve even tried to justify