If I believe all things either come from the LORD or through His permissive will, and I believe He is always good and right, then why do I kick against the things I don't like or don't feel good? Isn't it from Him, for me, and meant for my good?
Ugly conclusion? Facts can all be agreed upon, but when I allow my feelings to create doubt, I lose all my joy and peace. Both are still available, but I've chosen to focus on my perception of the situation---this doesn't feel good, I don't like it, this hurts; therefore, I conclude it must not be good and begin to question God.
So, is everything really open to interpretation?
Does my perception of my circumstances make them any less good for me?
Does my inability or unwillingness to admit God's doing something I don't understand prevent me from living well? Disobedience?
Maybe I'm not thinking and living in outright rebellion, but am I procrastinating in my obedience? And isn't that another form of disobedience created by a lack of trust?
These are some of the things I've had rolling around in my head for the last few weeks. Thoughts about how the fire of Holy Spirit in my life is not always comfortable, but brings about a sweet and delicious change. I can either cooperate and be joyful through it or resist and be miserable, but I will still move from being just an apple to being apple butter. Besides, the process will probably take longer if I resist.
I've included some pics from when I made Apple Butter a couple of weeks ago. Yep! My first batch was more like thick apple sauce, but the second batch was practically perfect in every way. It just took more time over the heat.
LORD, I want to be more like Paul and Silas who were able to sing songs of praise after being beaten, chained, and imprisioned. Help me see You and trust You through every single hot minute of the transforming process of becoming more like You, Jesus. Amen.
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