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What’s My Fruit?


Eight years! That’s the numbers of years it takes for the standard apple tree to mature to the point of producing good fruit. Thankfully, it doesn’t take that’ long for Jesus-followers to start producing fruit. Of course, we want the fruit to be good fruit. The fruit Paul wrote about in his letter to the Galatians. 

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things! Galatians 5:22-23 (NLT)

Jesus talked about our ability to bear good fruit. We can’t bear good fruit apart from Him! (John 15:4-5)

Jesus also said a tree is identified by its fruit. He used figs and grapes as His example, but the illustration is clear. Our words and actions reveal what’s in our hearts. If Jesus is not LORD of our lives, we will not bear His Spirit’s fruit. It doesn’t count if we call Him LORD but don’t do what He tells us is right. (Luke 6:43-49)

FYI: What Jesus says is right and good overrules whatever anyone else says about what is right and good. If I (you) don’t believe that to be true in all things, we can be sure those are the places where He is not LORD in our lives. Those are the places where we are still living in the flesh instead of the Spirit. Those are the places where we are trying to live by our own understanding and in our own strength.

So, now you know why I’m asking the question, “What’s my fruit?”

Don’t mistake! My question is not for you. Nor is my question for me. It’s for Jesus.

That’s right! I’m asking Jesus to show me my fruit. To help me see it with His clarity. Why? Because my fruit reveals my heart, and I want my heart to be like His. I want to bear good fruit!

This week…

1 Read your Bible. Ask Holy Spirit to help you understand what you’re reading and transform your mind with God’s word. (Romans 12:2)

2 Exercise. Yes, I’m talking about your body, but don’t forget to exercise your freedom to choose. Jesus paid a high price for your freedom from sin. You are no longer bound by your flesh. Your spirit has been joined with the Spirit of the Living God. You can choose to follow Jesus and obey Him instead of yourself, the culture, or our enemy. (Galatians 5:25)

3 Pray. Be brave and ask the LORD to show you what kind of fruit you’re producing in your life. Don’t make excuses. Agree with Him, seek His forgiveness, accept His forgiveness, and cooperate with His cleansing process. Don’t be discouraged or afraid. He is gentle but thorough. Just like removing a splinter from our finger hurts, it’s good for us and brings no harm. He will get it all out if you will be still and don’t fight the process.

LORD, we want to bear good fruit, but we know we cannot bear good fruit apart from You. Help us to stay connected. Help us to seek You and Your ways BEFORE we speak or act. We do not want to settle for a mediocre relationship with You. We want to be followers in all areas of our lives and enjoy the rich full life You want to give us. Help us be strong and brave and remember You are with us, even when we are afraid or discouraged by the giants in our lives. We know You are bigger and stronger and able to save us. We know You are good and sovereign and your love for us extends beyond our understanding. Thank You for being constant and unchanging in Your faithfulness to us. Amen.

If you're not sure you're a Jesus-follower, you can use the link below to find out how to take that first step to being sure. I'm praying for you, Friend! If you're walking the fence line between knowing about Jesus and knowing Him, you are in a precarious position that is difficult to live. I would love to see you jump down on the side of Jesus and enjoy the freedom of following Him. Mobile - Peace With God

Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, a Division of Tyndale House Ministries, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.


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