I had the fun-est phone visit with a friend last week! We talked about all sorts of stuff. Lots of catching up was sandwiched around the sweet stuff of girl talk. We had dessert first and finished with the meat of the conversation...what the LORD's been doing in our lives.
My friend shared the "circle" the LORD just finished for her. She pointed out all sorts of little happenings. Each one pulling her toward new understanding and a transformation of her thoughts. Each one leading her to grasp the next until she came full circle and saw a complete picture.
I imagined standing inside that ever widening circle and curiosity had me googling growth rings. I didn't do oodles and oodles of in-depth research. I just wanted a simple understanding of the growth rings in a tree.
Did you know tree growth is increased or stunted according to how much light and water come during the growing season (spring and summer)? I'm sure I did, but I've never put it into a spiritual context before. The Bible calls Jesus the Light of the World and Living Water.
Something else I learned; the most growth comes at the beginning of the growing season and slows down and becomes more tightly packed at the end of the growing season. That's what creates the wide light then narrow dark rings of each year's growth.
The environment also plays a role in the growth of a tree. A tree that leans instead of growing upright will have a heart that's not in the right place. Wavy growth indicates the removal of something like a branch.
Of course, we don't want to go crazy with the tree analogy here, but I wanted to give you a growth visual. Trees are all around and can be reminders of the importance of growth in our relationship with Jesus.
I sit here looking at my naked red maple and try to imagine its rings. The ornamental cherry on the front corner of the house fought a lot of wind in its early life. It's fairly upright now, but is its heart in the right place? What about my heart? Have I let the storms of life make me bitter and unforgiving?
My neighbor has a fir that's still covered in green and yet falling over. It's roots are shallow and multiple cords and stakes are barely keeping it upright. Another of their trees is totally gone. It was uprooted during a storm. They cut it into pieces and hauled it away. Am I holding onto the things of this world and expecting security and stability that only come from a life rooted in Jesus and His truth?
Another neighbor's tree had what's called sucker branches, little branches growing at the base of a tree. They suck the nutrients before they can get up to the upper branches. Those sucker branches looked healthy right up until the whole tree died. Have I invited the Master Gardener (God) to do any necessary pruning in my life? Or am I allowing fear of change, hurt, or discomfort to suck the life right out of me? There's a difference between being alive and living.
I grew up climbing on the live oaks of Georgia. The live oak is know for it's "strong, dense, and long-lasting" qualities. They grow in all sorts of directions and withstand all sorts of storms. Do I stand strong in the LORD's mighty power when I face the storms of adversity?
I'm thankful my friend shared her "circle" with me. Her story helped me look for, see, and celebrate the gentle, patient, and persevering presence and love of Jesus in a fresh new way. It reminds me growing pains are God's love creating beauty and strength in all those who are His!
My friend shared the "circle" the LORD just finished for her. She pointed out all sorts of little happenings. Each one pulling her toward new understanding and a transformation of her thoughts. Each one leading her to grasp the next until she came full circle and saw a complete picture.
I imagined standing inside that ever widening circle and curiosity had me googling growth rings. I didn't do oodles and oodles of in-depth research. I just wanted a simple understanding of the growth rings in a tree.
Did you know tree growth is increased or stunted according to how much light and water come during the growing season (spring and summer)? I'm sure I did, but I've never put it into a spiritual context before. The Bible calls Jesus the Light of the World and Living Water.
Something else I learned; the most growth comes at the beginning of the growing season and slows down and becomes more tightly packed at the end of the growing season. That's what creates the wide light then narrow dark rings of each year's growth.
The environment also plays a role in the growth of a tree. A tree that leans instead of growing upright will have a heart that's not in the right place. Wavy growth indicates the removal of something like a branch.
Of course, we don't want to go crazy with the tree analogy here, but I wanted to give you a growth visual. Trees are all around and can be reminders of the importance of growth in our relationship with Jesus.
I sit here looking at my naked red maple and try to imagine its rings. The ornamental cherry on the front corner of the house fought a lot of wind in its early life. It's fairly upright now, but is its heart in the right place? What about my heart? Have I let the storms of life make me bitter and unforgiving?
My neighbor has a fir that's still covered in green and yet falling over. It's roots are shallow and multiple cords and stakes are barely keeping it upright. Another of their trees is totally gone. It was uprooted during a storm. They cut it into pieces and hauled it away. Am I holding onto the things of this world and expecting security and stability that only come from a life rooted in Jesus and His truth?
Another neighbor's tree had what's called sucker branches, little branches growing at the base of a tree. They suck the nutrients before they can get up to the upper branches. Those sucker branches looked healthy right up until the whole tree died. Have I invited the Master Gardener (God) to do any necessary pruning in my life? Or am I allowing fear of change, hurt, or discomfort to suck the life right out of me? There's a difference between being alive and living.
I grew up climbing on the live oaks of Georgia. The live oak is know for it's "strong, dense, and long-lasting" qualities. They grow in all sorts of directions and withstand all sorts of storms. Do I stand strong in the LORD's mighty power when I face the storms of adversity?
I'm thankful my friend shared her "circle" with me. Her story helped me look for, see, and celebrate the gentle, patient, and persevering presence and love of Jesus in a fresh new way. It reminds me growing pains are God's love creating beauty and strength in all those who are His!
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