One, Two, Three, Four, ...Twenty! Ready, or not, here I come! Hide and Seek is a game my grandchildren love to play when it's too cold or wet to go outside. They squeeze into cupboards, behind curtains, and into closets, all in hopes of evading the one who's looking for them. Adults like to hide too. We hide ourselves from others as well as ourselves, but not as a game. Hiding isn't something new. It's been going on as long as sin has been in the world. Adam and Eve hid themselves from one another and from God after that first sin. Guilt, shame, and fear consumed them; initiating the first cover up. (Genesis 2:25 & 3:6-10) We were created to be in transparent relationship with our Creator and one another. No separation or fear! Only intimacy through the experience of living life together. Thankfully, the LORD provided the ultimate covering. Jesus! His sinless life, death, and resurrection brought a covering that is eternal for all who will receive it. F...