Yesterday my laptop adapter died. It seems my battery is about gone and that killed my adapter. I bought a new adapter today. I had no idea they were so expensive. I was going to buy a battery, but they had to order it. I decided to come home and see if I could find one for less money. Theirs was $300 plus. YIKES!
I'm at least able to use my computer, but I'm going to call Jeremy tonight and see if he can help me find one for a better price. It's not that we don't have the money, but I just don't want to pay that much if it's just mark up.
I'm at least able to use my computer, but I'm going to call Jeremy tonight and see if he can help me find one for a better price. It's not that we don't have the money, but I just don't want to pay that much if it's just mark up.
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