"Simon says, 'Clap your hands.' Simon says, 'Stick out your tongue.' ' Pat your head.'" "Haha! You're out! Simon didn't say 'pat your head'!" Can you hear the laughter? Maybe some excuses? We've all played the game and we've all gotten so focused on doing the next thing Simon says that we do something Simon didn't say. Yep! You guessed it. Today's deep thought is about listening to and following directions. UGH! I know, it's a tough topic but it's something we all want to do well. As followers of Jesus, we're listening for His instructions. We're seeking to know the next thing He wants us to do. But sometimes we get bound up in the doing instead of the following. We even come up with our own things to do in hopes of pleasing Him when all He wants from us is obedience. The LORD used our Scott to bring this truth into a place of experience for me. He took it from an abstract lesson to...
I looked, and I thought about it; I saw and I learned this lesson. Proverbs 24:32