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Showing posts from June, 2019

Games Children Play...Simon Says

"Simon says, 'Clap your hands.' Simon says, 'Stick out your tongue.' ' Pat your head.'" "Haha! You're out! Simon didn't say 'pat your head'!"  Can you hear the laughter? Maybe some excuses? We've all played the game and we've all gotten so focused on doing the next thing Simon says that we do something Simon didn't say. Yep! You guessed it. Today's deep thought is about listening to and following directions. UGH! I know, it's a tough topic but it's something we all want to do well. As followers of Jesus, we're listening for His instructions. We're seeking to know the next thing He wants us to do. But sometimes we get bound up in the doing instead of the following. We even come up with our own things to do in hopes of pleasing Him when all He wants from us is obedience. The LORD used our Scott to bring this truth into a place of experience for me. He took it from an abstract lesson to...

Games Children Play...Hide and Seek

One, Two, Three, Four, ...Twenty! Ready, or not, here I come!  Hide and Seek is a game my grandchildren love to play when it's too cold or wet to go outside. They squeeze into cupboards, behind curtains, and into closets, all in hopes of evading the one who's looking for them. Adults like to hide too. We hide ourselves from others as well as ourselves, but not as a game. Hiding isn't something new. It's been going on as long as sin has been in the world. Adam and Eve hid themselves from one another and from God after that first sin. Guilt, shame, and fear consumed them; initiating the first cover up. (Genesis 2:25 & 3:6-10) We were created to be in transparent relationship with our Creator and one another. No separation or fear! Only intimacy through the experience of living life together. Thankfully, the LORD provided the ultimate covering. Jesus! His sinless life, death, and resurrection brought a covering that is eternal for all who will receive it. F...

Games Children Play...Red Rover

Red Rover, Red Rover, send ___________ right over! You remember the game. You stand with hands linked and offer a challenge to someone on the other team. If they break through your defenses, you go back to their side. If you hold the line, they stay with you and become a part of your team. Okay, we don't want to get too literal with our comparisons, but I believe there's a beautiful reminder of the gift of friendship in this child's game. I have several "Red Rover Friends."  These friends are also Christ followers, and they stand with me when the adversary comes storming my way. They're friends who won't let go when the pressure is on. Their grip never loosens, regardless of the pain it may cause them or me. They are reliable at all times, but especially when I'm feeling weak and vulnerable (Proverbs 17:17) . Red Rover Friends cry with me, celebrate with me, and comfort me during times of hardship. They know me; therefore, they cho...

Games Children Play...Follow The Leader

George and I packed all we'd need for a day at Silver Lake and set off. The trail was mushy from all the recent rains and we had to step carefully or sink to our ankles in black goopy mud. I fell back and let George take the lead. As we single filed through the sun-dappled area, my mind wandered. I enjoy every season the LORD gives, but the warmer days and extended daylight hours seem to bring renewed life to our neighborhood.  The air echoes with the squeals of children playing and the buzz of friendships being renewed after cold indoor months. My mind soon skittered back to childhood and times spent playing with siblings and cousins while the adults sat talking into the dark hours of night. One of those games was Follow the Leader . The leader chose where we went and what we would do on the way. Those following had to watch carefully. Those following the followers were depending on them to do it right. The same is true for Christ Followers! Someone is always watching u...