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Showing posts from May, 2019

In The Garden...Pruning Part 2

June is coming, but I cannot leave the garden before taking a second look at the pruning process.  I want to look at pruning from the perspective of the one being pruned. A plant in our garden has no say when we pull out the clippers or shears, but it's a different story when God is pruning His children. We are not plants; we are living beings. God created us and He gave us free will.  He wants us to choose Him and His ways; not out of obligation but because we love, value, and trust Him above all others (including ourselves). Jesus gave us a word picture in John 15 to help us better understand our need to stay in relationship with Him. He also said everyone connected with Him will be pruned. I've heard there are only two responses to the pruning process. Rebellion or cooperation. I believe there are two more. Resignation or gratitude . Why do I believe this? Experience! The LORD pointed out my "I'll accept Your way but I don't like it" attit...

In The Garden...Pruning

My azaleas have finished blooming and it's time to prune them in preparation for next year's b looms.  I've learned timing and method is im portant when pruning, and not all plants should be pruned at the same time or in the same way.   For instance, deadheading is considered pruning.  Who knew?! Pruning is an ongoing part of our life in Christ and plays a major role in our ability to bear fruit.  In John 15, Jesus refers to Himself as the Vine and us as the branches of the Vine.  He also tells us very directly; we will be pruned.  We aren't pruned as punishment.   We're pruned so we will be stronger, more useful, and bear more fruit. Not one branch on a vine will bring fruit on its own.  The only thing a branch must do is stay connected to the life-giving vine.  The same is true of us and our relationship with Jesus.  W e cannot be fruitful apart from Him.  One other thing, Jesus is ver y clear about the pruning proc...

In The Garden...Perrenials

Perennials live for more than one season. T hose in Christ are perennials. God made a way for me (and you) to have eternal life. He came to earth, lived a sinless life, died in our place, and was resurrected. Jesus is living in heaven right now. He's preparing a place for each of us to live when we get there.   Jesus also came to give us abundant life on earth. Abundant living sometimes seems impossible when life brings hardship and heartache. So h ow do we keep from living stunted, withered, and unproductive lives?   Keep the LORD as our first love. Seek to know Him and His ways through Scripture and prayer.   Walk by the Spirit. He was given to us to help us live the most joyful, beautiful, and vibrant life possible. S eek God’s perspective in every relationship. God is the Master Gardener; He did not plant us haphazardly. We’re planted where we are for a purpose.  Those around us are there for a reason.   ----------- ...

In The Garden...Bees

I’ve always been fascinated by bees.  They’re beautiful and tempt me to touch.  A word of caution, the females sting.  And before you ask, I have no idea how to tell which bees are female. I do know bees play an important role in the garden.  They pollinate flowers, vegetables, fruits, and trees.  It’s the result of their movement, but it’s not their reason for going to the garden.  No, t hey’re there to gather food.  They’re doing what bees do. Bees seem to defy the laws of aerodynamics, and at one time, it was thought the flight of a bumblebee was a physical impossibility.  Bees never stopped flying because man didn’t understand how it was possible .  No! They continued flying because that's what bees do. I see two important spiritual lessons here:  1 – Be who you were created to be, and 2 - Don’t listen to those who question your ability to do what you’re created to do. Being is freedom.  God put me (and...

In The Garden...Weed Control

Today’s topic is weed control, and I'm going to start with excerpts from the mowing guidelines Weed Man sent us.  “A properly mowed lawn is thicker, healthier and better able to withstand stresses like weeds, insects and diseases.” and “Weeds never quit.  They take any opening to reestablish in the lawn.” Weeds mar a beautiful lawn and hide patiently under the soil.  Some reseed.  Others grow nodules.  And then there are those with root hairs.  That’s what I call those miniscule roots left behind when you pull up the tuberous root of a dandelion. Ugh!  Weeds of the heart are the same.  They sprout at unexpected times and manifest in many different ways.  Fear, insecurity, worry, bitterness, and discontent to name a few.  They infiltrate the soil of our heart and pop up with a word or action that mars the beauty of our lives. I’m learning thought control is key in controlling the weeds of my heart.  But I can’t jus...