June is coming, but I cannot leave the garden before taking a second look at the pruning process. I want to look at pruning from the perspective of the one being pruned. A plant in our garden has no say when we pull out the clippers or shears, but it's a different story when God is pruning His children. We are not plants; we are living beings. God created us and He gave us free will. He wants us to choose Him and His ways; not out of obligation but because we love, value, and trust Him above all others (including ourselves). Jesus gave us a word picture in John 15 to help us better understand our need to stay in relationship with Him. He also said everyone connected with Him will be pruned. I've heard there are only two responses to the pruning process. Rebellion or cooperation. I believe there are two more. Resignation or gratitude . Why do I believe this? Experience! The LORD pointed out my "I'll accept Your way but I don't like it" attit...
I looked, and I thought about it; I saw and I learned this lesson. Proverbs 24:32