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Showing posts from February, 2018

Swimming -- Benefits

I'm ready to dive right in, so let's do it! I don't see it happening while I swim, but I know swimming has made my heart and lungs stronger.  It works in tandem with my eating habits to regulate my blood pressure, glucose and cholesterol.  Plus, it has made a difference in my appearance.  It's strengthened, tightened, and toned my muscles which has reshaped me.  It's even helped my posture. I intentionally swim three days a week because I want the benefits of swimming.  The same is true for me spiritually.  I intentionally practice the ways the LORD teaches us to live because I want the benefits that come to those who do.   I want all the benefits of swimming, so I learn all I can about the different strokes and their specific techniques.  The benefits come when I intentionally practice what I learn.  I want all the benefits of the LORD, so I learn all I can about...

Swimming --- Progress

Good Morning!  Again, I'm eager to share, so I'm going to jump right in (yes, another pun). I've chosen to be a swimmer.  I'm standing in the pool.  I can see the black line running from where I am to where I want to be.  Standing there doesn't get me where I want to be.  Knowing I must follow the line won't get me there.  I must act! I can walk or swim, but I have to act --- move!  Walking is slower, but it's forward progress.  Swimming is easier.  When I'm submerged in the water, I become buoyant.  I won't go so far as to say weightless, but you get what I mean...I'm not carrying my own weight when submerged in the water. Swimming takes discipline and requires work.  I know no other way to put it.  I have to get there before I can swim and once in the water I must use my muscles and the techniques I've learned in order to swim. Spiritual lesson?  I can say I'm a follower of Jesus all I want, but until I...

Swimming - The Black Line

I'm excited about sharing today's swim lesson, so without delay... There is nothing like being underwater.  The water is totally clear and I can see clearly (when wearing my goggles), but still only for a limited distance.  When I submerge at one end of the pool, I cannot see the other end of the pool.  I know it's down there, but I cannot see it. So how do I get there without losing my way in a world that is the same pale blue in every direction?  I follow a black tile line.  It's three one inch tiles wide and runs in a straight line to where I want to go.  It begins and ends about 18" out from each end and gives me a clear path from where I am to where I want to go. I must keep my goggled eyes on that line.  If I don't, I will zigzag all over the place.  I will be bumping into other swimmers, the lane dividers or the wall. The same is true for my spiritual journey.  I know where I w...