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Showing posts from March, 2017

New Song...

While traveling, I heard this song for the first time. It spoke to me, and I wanted to share it with y'all. I hope you're having a wonderful week!

Fear or Faith

Today's verses are in Jeremiah 17:7-8.  These are verses I have prayed as truth for our Jeremy for years, but they took on new meaning for me today. I trust in ADONAI Therefore He is my security I'm like a tree planted by water (by the Living Water of Yeshua) I spread out my roots by the water I don't notice the heat My foliage is luxuriant I'm not anxious in the year of drought I keep yielding fruit Just to be clear, that's the personalized version of what I was reading.  It's not about some unknown person anymore...this is God's Word over me. What really jumped out was the cause and effect going on here. IF I trust ADONAI - regardless of my circumstances & how they look from my perspective THEN ADONAI will be my security IF I spread out my roots by the river THEN I won't notice the heat My foliage will be luxuriant I won't be anxious in a year of drought I will keep yielding fruit There are two positive and two n...

Oh Happy Day!!!

I'm laughing!  Out loud laughing!  My last post was actually the ramblings of someone coming out of anesthesia.  I wasn't preparing for surgery at all.  I was out of surgery! Can you believe it?!  I'm no longer groggy.  At least I don't think I am.  I feel fully awake and happy, happy, happy!  The surgery (exposing and cutting away of my wrong thinking) was happening even as I was seeing, remembering, confessing, and crying over the evil ways of my tongue. How cool is that?  It was happening even as I was asking our Father to do it!  I'm definitely going to need to take it easy and follow all His post surgery instructions.  I was given those instructions on Friday morning...1st Peter 3:10-17.  Specifically... v. 14 - ...don't fear what they fear or be disturbed v. 15 - but treat the Messiah as holy, as LORD in your hearts v. 16 - ...good behavior flowing from your union with the Messiah I canno...

Be Still

George’s favorite verse is Psalm 46:10, and the first two words have been reverberating around in my head for a couple of days now…Be still!  That’s what I’m hearing over and over and over.   How am I supposed to be still?   I know I’m supposed to still my thoughts not stop all daily activities, but that’s way easier said than done!   The Holy Spirit has promised to help me.    Unfortunately, the first thing He's telling me is going to require a lot of change.  Good thing He's all powerful, because I'm never going to be able to do this without Him.  This is going to require unlearning a life long habit.  On the plus side, I totally agree with Him about this, but it's going to require constant vigilance.    What is the change? I interrupt everyone.   I’m not discriminating.   I don’t consciously do it, and I don’t consciously think “everyone wants my opinion on what they're sharin...

Surgery Needed!

I’ve spent years wanting to write words that will bring life and encouragement into the lives of others.   I’ve not written for fear of writing the wrong words or being misunderstood.   I’ve lived a life of disobedience.   I’ve used other “good things” to procrastinate and justify myself.   I’ve allowed dead works to fill my days and ease my conscience, but… Last weekend, I read a verse that caused me to pray a prayer that has rocked my world.   It turned me upside down and has shaken me so hard that everything of no value has been exposed.   Just this morning I was given the reminder that I was delivered and called to a life of holiness for God’s purposes and not my own (2 Timothy 1:9).   So, I’m guessing you want to know what Saturday’s verse was.   Here goes… The verse was Acts 3:26.   So it is to you first that God has sent His servant who He has raised up, so that He might bless you by turning each one of you from your evil ways. ...