George’s favorite verse is Psalm 46:10, and the first two words have been reverberating around in my head for a couple of days now…Be still! That’s what I’m hearing over and over and over. How am I supposed to be still? I know I’m supposed to still my thoughts not stop all daily activities, but that’s way easier said than done! The Holy Spirit has promised to help me. Unfortunately, the first thing He's telling me is going to require a lot of change. Good thing He's all powerful, because I'm never going to be able to do this without Him. This is going to require unlearning a life long habit. On the plus side, I totally agree with Him about this, but it's going to require constant vigilance. What is the change? I interrupt everyone. I’m not discriminating. I don’t consciously do it, and I don’t consciously think “everyone wants my opinion on what they're sharin...