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Showing posts from 2007

Computer Woes

Yesterday my laptop adapter died. It seems my battery is about gone and that killed my adapter. I bought a new adapter today. I had no idea they were so expensive. I was going to buy a battery, but they had to order it. I decided to come home and see if I could find one for less money. Theirs was $300 plus. YIKES! I'm at least able to use my computer, but I'm going to call Jeremy tonight and see if he can help me find one for a better price. It's not that we don't have the money, but I just don't want to pay that much if it's just mark up.

House Hunting

George and I have been house hunting online. We won't actually rent online, but it's been fun to look. He sent me several possibilities last night. The one we like in the Mt Vernon area is still available...I really like that one and think it will keep his commute down. He found one is Springfield that is really nice. The commute would be atrocious though...I think. Of course, the upside is it would be closer to where the children would be if Jeremy decides to take the job in Vienna/Reston. They were looking at something off of Braddock Rd and this would be a hop, skip and a jump away. It's not next door, but it's close. I'm a little concerned about the fact that we will be house hunting two months before the move. That does not work well for people who are trying to rent...unless they list before the place is available. The one we like in Mt Vernon is already vacant. That means the Lord will need to keep it empty for three months and that's bad for...


I've been trying to get on my blog forever and couldn't remember my password. I tried it today just for kicks and here I am. I've been sick for a week, so I've been reading and writing and quilting between being sick and sleeping. I've eaten a little bit today and so far I'm okay. George just called. It is so wonderful to have e-mail and cell phones. I feel much less disconnected when we're able to communicate in some form or fashion each day. I can't express just how much I'm looking forward to him going to shore duty in June. I love that man so much. It hardly seems possible we've been married almost 30 years. My heart still races when it's time for him to come home. I pray we never lose the joy of our relationship and that we'll continue to grow in our love for one another until we're called home to glory. Jane is pregnant again. WaHoo! The doctor saw the baby and could see the heart beating when they had the sonogram d...