Happy 4th of July! This is a time of great celebration for all Americans. It's a time of remembering and looking forward with both gratitude and expectation. I'm so thankful for the freedoms we enjoy here in America. I'm not so naïve as to believe we live in a perfect nation but I do believe America is an amazing place to live. A nation worth the effort of every resident to preserve and exercise their freedom with kindness and compassion. Never turning a blind eye to injustice, but speaking out and standing against it. Seeing the value in every person, desiring their good, doing good to them, and never tearing them down with our words or actions. Many have paid a high price for the right of all Americans to choose. And one of the greatest choices we're free to make is to whom or what we will assign first place in our lives. We must choose wisely because to whomever or whatever we assign the greatest value will determine every other choice we make. Which...
I looked, and I thought about it; I saw and I learned this lesson. Proverbs 24:32