Good Morning! I'm going to jump right in. (Pool humor intended.) Turbulence is defined as a violent or unsteady movement of air or water, or some other fluid. Sometimes while I'm swimming I get a lot of turbulence from other swimmers. Not all swimmers are concentrating on the same goals. And some swimmers create more turbulence the longer they swim...I'm guessing because they're getting tired. Anyway, a swimmer who is kicking in and out of the water instead of under the water, or one who is thrashing the water with his arms instead of cutting into it, creates turbulence. It's not just a gentle movement of water around them. What that means for swimmers in the other lanes (me) is a much more difficult swim. I'm pushed and pulled according to the direction of the swimmer creating the turbulence. Compensating becomes difficult. Weaknesses in my stroke become more pronounced and I grow tired much more ...
I looked, and I thought about it; I saw and I learned this lesson. Proverbs 24:32